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Study on IEC 61850 conformance testing IEC 61850一致性测试研究
Time:2008/11/15 1:01:38  Source:China Network  Click:2401

 Study on IEC 61850 conformance testing

(China Network Automation Research Institute, Jiangsu Province, Nanjing City, 210003)

Abstract: substation automation products follow the IEC 61850 Communication Standard is the key to ensure that different manufacturers of products can intercommunication, so conformance testing standards corresponding to become an important link in the process of product development, this paper introduces IEC 61850 conformance test procedures, contents and test project, presents and discusses a simple frame structure consistency test. The road of development Chinese protocol conformance testing put forward their own point of view. IEC 61850 conformance testing work has certain positive significance.

Keywords: IEC 61850; IED; conformance test; interoperability test process;

IEC 61850 network analyzer

0 Introduction

The International Electrotechnical Commission TC 57 formulated the "standard of substation communication network and system", the standard has become the general network communication platform in substation automation system only based on international standards. Unified modeling through the object of substation automation system, uses the abstract service interface communication of object oriented technology and independent of the network structure (ACSI), enhanced interoperability between devices, can realize the seamless connection between different manufacturers of the equipment. In order to detect the development of IED (intelligent electronic devices) whether the products meet the IEC standard 61850, standard tenth parts namely conformance testing part of the definition of conformance test procedures, contents and testing items of [1,4], this paper mainly discussed in this part of the conformance testing.

The formulation of the international standard communication protocol of its purpose is to enhance the compatibility between the products of different manufacturers is to realize seamless communication, so that different manufacturers to produce products with interoperability, which reduces the amount of manpower caused in the protocol conversion of waste, for manufacturers and bring the interests of users.

In order to ensure compatibility of the equipment between each other, from the international standard protocol IEC60870-5 and DNP compare the success of the 3 point of view, their experience is worth paying attention. Protocol implementation and promotion of a unified interpretation of standard protocols play a very important role. IEC 60870-5 series protocol than DNP 3 released early, but later to promote the implementation of 2-3 years, 3-5 years ago, IEC 60870-5 as an international standard, international but no one organization can be explained on the implementation details of the IEC 60870-5. DNP3 protocol in North America was founded by competing manufacturers dominated by each DNP3 user association in 1993, responsible for the DNP3 implementation details of the interpretation and protocol modifications, the current DNP3 users association need $200 to join. IEC 60870-5 is not a user group, but from 2000 September onwards, the United States Triangle Micro Works launched the IEC60870-5 protocol INTERNET discussion group, the group get the whole world IEC 60870-5 expert support. Unified visible statute explanation is very critical, the usual standard text of the statute defines only 90%, while the 10% is the choice of items. To achieve the degree of implementation of various manufacturers are not the same as. The user may not be in the functional specification in the statute clearly. This gives the protocol using brought great difficulties, therefore, the standard testing procedure also slowly become part of standard protocols.

The importance of the 1999 DNP3 users aware of the standard tests, the first to complete the DNP3 standard test procedure, and the competing manufacturers, consisting of users DNP3 user association voted to become one of the standard DNP3 file specification. This file as the standard, the current DNP3 users association approved three companies DNP3 compatibility certification test and compatible with the certificate of payment.

Compatibility testing of IEC 60870-5 series protocol began in Europe in KEMA consulting company. Due to the development of KEMA has actively participated in IEC 608705 series specification, and even some corresponding standards drafting. Compatibility testing of KEMA IEC 60870-5 series specification from 1996.

IEC 60870-5 Series in 2004 September formulated IEC 60870-5-6 as IEC 60870-5 Standard Test procedure. While the IEC 61850 was designed from the outset compatible authentication steps, namely IEC 61850-10: compliance testing.

That experience statistics KEMA, do IEC protocol in KEMA compatible equipment and system testing, 60% did not have a pass, we must carry out second test. Since the importance of recognizing the protocol conformance testing, protocol conformance testing and specification product development basically keep synchronous development trend. Therefore, the conformance test protocol will be put into use in electric power automation products necessary stage before [2,3].

1 IEC 61850 conformance test profile

Conformance testing is to verify the consistency of the IED communication interface and standard requirements. It verifies the data flow in agreement with the standard conditions of serial links, such as access to the organization, frame format, order, time synchronization, timing, signal form and level, and the handling of errors.

The realization of the manufacturers of IED interoperability is one of the main purposes of the IEC 61850 standard, IEC 61850-10 is consistent with the fundamental purpose of the testing part is that manufacturers and users (if not Protocol Experts) can objectively evaluate the test equipment (or system) to support the IEC 61850 standards. While the conformance and interoperability is to get two aspects of this evaluation. Among them, the conformance test equipment refers to the use of a single test source consistency test for a single device or emulator conformance test system; system interoperability testing is conducted interoperability testing with two operating system, by the analyzer to test its information exchange process. Conformance testing is the foundation of interoperability testing, the conformance statement can roughly know the interoperability of the equipment, to further evaluation, it must be interoperability test corresponding.

Of course, conformance testing is not an exhaustive test, passed the conformance testing of protocol in implementation does not guarantee one hundred percent reliability, but it can guarantee the implementation is consistent with the protocol standard in a certain extent, thus greatly enhances the probability of agreement achieved between the interoperable. Compared with other types of testing, the conformance testing has the characteristics of test results can be compared, the test cost is small.

As a global communication standard, IEC 61850 series of standards includes conformance testing part, used to ensure that all manufacturers of all IED products are strictly abide by this standard.


IEC 61850一致性测试研究
(国网自动化研究院,江苏省南京市 210003)
摘要变电站自动化产品遵循的IEC 61850通信标准是确保不同厂家的产品能互通的关键,因此标准的一致性测试就相应成为产品开发过程中的重要环节,文章介绍了IEC 61850一致性测试的程序、内容及测试项目,提出并讨论了一致性测试的简单框架结构。对中国规约一致性测试的发展道路提出自己的观点。IEC 61850一致性测试工作的开展有一定的积极意义。
关键词IEC 61850; IED; 一致性测试; 互操作; 测试过程
0 引言
国际电工委员会TC 57制定了《变电站通信网络和系统》系列标准,该标准成为基于通用网络通信平台的变电站自动化系统唯一国际标准。通过对变电站自动化系统中的对象进行统一建模,采用面向对象技术和独立于网络结构的抽象服务通信接口(ACSI,增强了设备间的互操作性,可以在不同厂家的设备之间实现无缝连接。为了检测开发的IED智能电子设备)产品是否符合IEC 61850标准,标准第10部分即一致性测试部分定义了一致性测试的程序、内容及测试项目等[1,4],本文主要对一致性测试这部分加以讨论。
为了保证设备相互间的兼容性,从国际上比较成功的标准规约IEC60870-5及DNP 3的来看,它们经历的过程非常值得注意。规约的统一解释对一个标准规约的实施推广起非常重要的作用。IEC 60870-5系列规约比DNP 3公布的早,实施推广却晚2-3年,3-5年前,IEC 60870-5作为国际标准,国际上却没有一个组织可以对IEC 60870-5的实施细节进行解释。北美的DNP3规约在1993年就成立了由以各个竞争厂家为主的DNP3用户协会,负责DNP3实施细节的解释以及规约的修改,目前DNP3的用户协会需要200美元加入。IEC 60870-5没有用户协会,但从2000年9月起,美国的Triangle Micro Works发起了IEC60870-5规约的INTERNET讨论组,这个讨论组得到全世界IEC 60870-5方面专家的支持。可见规约的统一解释非常关键,通常标准规约文本仅仅定义了90%,而10%是选择项。各个厂家的实施实现程度也不相同。用户也未必在功能规范书中将规约的要求明确。这就给规约的使用带来了极大的困难,因此,标准测试步骤也慢慢成为标准规约的一部分。
IEC 60870-5系列规约的兼容性测试始于欧洲的KEMA咨询公司。由于KEMA积极参与了IEC 60870-5系列规约的制定,甚至起草一些相应标准。KEMA从1996进行IEC 60870-5系列规约的兼容性测试。
IEC 60870-5系列2004年9月又制订了IEC 60870-5-6作为IEC 60870-5的标准测试步骤。而IEC 61850从一开始就设计了兼容认证步骤,即IEC 61850-10部分:一致性测试。
1 IEC 61850一致性测试简介
实现各生产厂家IED的互操作性是IEC 61850标准的主要目的之一,IEC 61850-10即一致性测试部分的根本目的是使制造商和用户(即使不是协议专家)也能客观评价所测试的设备(或系统)支持IEC 61850标准的情况。而一致性和互操作性又是得到这个评价的两个方面。其中,设备的一致性测试是指用一致性测试系统或模拟器的单个测试源一致性测试单个设备;系统的互操作性测试是利用两个运行系统进行互操作性测试,由分析仪检验其信息交换过程。一致性测试是互操作性测试的基础,从一致性陈述可以大致知道该设备的互操作能力,若要进一步评价,则须进行相应的互操作性测试。
作为一个全球的通信标准,IEC 61850系列标准包含一致性测试部分,用以确保各厂家生产的所有的IED产品都严格遵循本标准。
2 IEC 61850 conformance test procedures

To achieve the smooth consistency test, the tested party should provide what information? While testing the party and how to complete the test?

The test shall be measured to provide to Party in PICS (Protocol Implementation Conformance Statement), PIXIT (Protocol Implementation eXtra Information) and MICS (model implementation conformance statement) conformance testing defined by the capabilities based. In the submission of test equipment test, the tested party shall provide the following contents:

1) test equipment preparation;

2) PICS, also called PICS model, is tested the ability of the system summary;

3) PIXIT, including system specific information, relates to the measured system capacity;

4) MICS, detailed by the system or device support standard data object model elements;

5) instruction guide with equipment installation and operation.

Conformance test requirements is divided into the following two categories:

1) static conformance requirements, the test is realized through the analysis of static consistency;

2) dynamic consistency requirements, on the test to be performed by test behavior.

The static and dynamic consistency requirements should be in the range of PICS, PICS is used for three purposes:

A) appropriate test set selection;

B) guarantee the execution of the test for consistency requirements;

Provide the basis for C) observation of static consistency.

Conformance testing evaluation process as shown in Figure 1 [5].
2 IEC 61850一致性测试的程序
测试方应进行以被测方提供的在PICS(协议实现一致性陈述), PIXIT(协议实现之外的信息)和MICS(模型实现一致性陈述)中定义的能力为基础的一致性测试。在提交测试设备测试时,被测方应提供以下几点内容:
1)        测试设备的准备;
2)        PICS,也被称为PICS示范,是被测系统能力的总结;
3)        PIXIT,包括系统特定信息,涉及被测系统的容量;
4)        MICS,详细说明由系统或设备支持的标准数据对象模型元素;
5)        设备安装和操作的详细的指令指南。
1) 静态一致性需求,对其测试通过静态一致性分析来实现;
2) 动态一致性需求,对其测试通过测试行为来进行。
a)         适当的测试集的选择;
b)        保证执行的测试适合一致性要求;
c)        为静态一致性观察提供基础。
图1 一致性测试评估过程
Fig.1 Conceptual conformance
 assessment process
3 IEC 61850一致性测试结构 IEC 61850 conformance test structure
图 2 一致性测试结构
Fig.2 Architecture of
conformance testing
To complete the conformance testing, test structure is the core of construction. This paper proposed the following test structure according to the standard, as shown in figure 2.

Must first have the equipment to be tested, namely DTU, such as protection or intelligent control equipment.

You can use a communication simulator as a user and server, via Ethernet to the device under test request and recording and processing result information. This communication simulator can be used.

A network background load can be provided by a load simulator in addition, including current and voltage transformer and switch to environment simulation, simulation, and in communication with each other communication simulator. You can use Omicron company CMC Test Set, or the use of NARI Group Corporation DSF-3 relay protection testing device etc..

Using a network analyzer to monitor in the process of testing the error analysis of test results, the. Network analyzer can collect and Ethernet network information flow analysis of IEC 61850, where it can be used to record the network events, network security monitoring and the establishment of the connection and test system configuration. The analyzer in identification and risk minimization interoperability plays a very important role. Analyzer can be used KEMA's UniCA 61850 Analyzer. It can not only to the people can read the format of communication packets, also can analyze and report to check error.

There is a time controller is used to monitor the time synchronization.

Frame structure consists of the IEC 61850 conformance test above equipment. If the development of device is measured as the customer operation of equipment, the communication simulator will be used as the simulation server role operation; if the device developed to run as a server, the communication simulator will be used for the simulation of the customer to test to verify the requirements of communication function
可以用一个通信仿真器作为一个用户和服务器,通过以太网向被测设备请求发送并记录和处理结果信息。此通信仿真器可采用 。
一个网络上的后台负载可由另外的一个负载仿真器提供,包含电流电压互感器和仿真开关,进行环境仿真,并与通信仿真器互相通信。可以采用Omicron公司的CMC Test Set,或采用南瑞集团公司的DSF-3继电保护测试装置等。
用一个网络分析仪来监控测试过程中出现的错误,分析所得检测结果。网络分析仪能够采集并分析以太网络上IEC 61850的信息流量,在此它可以用来记录网络事件、监控网络安全以及建立连接并检验系统配置等。分析仪在鉴别和最小化互操作危险方面扮演很重要的角色。分析仪可应用KEMA公司的UniCA 61850 Analyzer。它不但可以以人们可以读懂的格式显示通信包,还可以分析和报告检查到的错误。
以上设备组成IEC 61850一致性测试的框架结构。如果开发的装置即被测设备作为客户运行,则通信仿真器将作为仿真服务器的角色运行;若开发的装置要作为服务器运行,则通信仿真器将用作仿真客户来测试以验证其要求的通信功能。
4 IEC 61850 conformance test content [5]

IEC 61850 conformance testing project of sorts, in this brief introduction.

Test item 4.1 configuration files

Detection of ICD (to describe the performance of intelligent electronic devices) configuration files and SCL (substation configuration description language) document type definition is consistent.

Detection of the ICD configuration file on the network by the DTU (equipment under test) is consistent with the actual data types and services, data display.

Change the terminal user configuration parameters in the SCD configuration file, application configuration tools provided by the SCD configuration file to configure DUT, consistent with online services and detection of this configuration with the SCD file, and restore the original SCD file and re configure the DUT to its original state.

Test 4.2 data model

The data model of test items include the following:

1) forced object check each logical node exists (mandatory =M, optional =O, condition =C);

2) check on conditions should exist but does not exist in the error object;

3) all objects check each logical node data type;

4) attribute data validation equipment value is within the specified range.

The need to map the data model is detected:

1) extended length and prove that the object name;

2) functional structure;

3) name control block and control log.

4.3 ASCI model and service mapping test

ASCI (Abstract communication service mapping) model and service mapping shot include the following:

1) the application of Association (Ass);

2) server, logical device, logical node, data and data attribute model (Srv);

3) data model (Dset);

4) setting group control model (Sg);

5) report control model (Rpt);

6) log control model (Log);

7) generic substation event model (Goo);

8) control model (Ctl);

9) replace the model (Sub);

10) sampled value model (Sv);

11) time and time synchronization model (Tm);

12) file transfer model (Ft).

The test item for each ASCI model and service should be based on the following two ways respectively:

1) sure = normal condition verification, the correct response;

2) abnormal condition of negative = validation response failure.

Here in the server, logical device, logical node, data and attribute data model as an example to explain the ASCI model and service mapping test items are listed in the following table:

In test server, logical device, logical node, data and data attribute model certainly listed in Table 1
4 IEC 61850一致性测试的内容[5]
IEC 61850 一致性测试的项目比较繁多,在此作简单的介绍。
4.2 数据模型的测试项
1)     检查每一个逻辑节点的强制对象是否存在(强制的=M,任选的=O,条件的=C);
2)     检查按条件应该存在的但实际并不存在的错误对象;
3)     检查每一个逻辑节点的全部对象的数据类型;
4)     验证设备中数据的属性值是在指定范围内。
1)        证明名字的长度和对象的扩展;
2)        功能组成结构;
3)        控制块和控制日志的名称。
4.3 ASCI模型和服务映射测试项
1)        应用关联(Ass);
2)        服务器、逻辑设备、逻辑节点、数据和数据属性模型(Srv);
3)        数据集模型(Dset);
4)        定值组控制模型(Sg);
5)        报告控制模型(Rpt);
6)        日志控制模型(Log);
7)        通用变电站事件模型(Goo);
8)        控制模型(Ctl);
9)        取代模型(Sub);
10)     采样值传输模型(Sv);
11)     时间和时间同步模型(Tm);
12)     文件传输模型(Ft)。
1)        肯定的=正常的条件验证,响应正确;
2)        否定的=反常的条件验证,响应失败。
表1 — 肯定的测试项
Table 1-Positive test cases

(IEC 61850-7-2即变电站和线路通信设备的基本通信结构—抽象通信服务接口(ACSI),6.2.2)
对每一个GetServerDirectory(LOGICAL-DEVICE)响应发布一个GetLogicalDeviceDirectory请求并检查其响应(IEC 61850-7-2,8.2.1)
对每一个GetLogicalDeviceDirectory响应发布一个GetLogicalNodeDirectory(DATA)请求并检查其响应(IEC 61850-7-2,9.2.2)
      GetDataDirectory请求并检查其响应(IEC 61850-7-2,10.4.4)
      GetDataDefinition请求并检查其响应(IEC 61850-7-2,10.4..5)
      GetDataValues请求并检查其响应(IEC 61850-7-2,10.4.2)
对每一个写使能DATA对象发布一个SetDataValues请求并检查其响应(IEC 61850-7-2,10.4.2)
(IEC 61850-7-2,9.2.3)

Table2-Negative test cases

      GetServerDirectory(LOGICAL-DEVICE)(IEC 61850-7-2,6.2.2)
      GetLogicalDeviceDirectory(IEC 61850-7-2,8.2.1)
      GetLogicalNodeDirectoryDATA(IEC 61850-7-2,9.2.2)
      GetAllDataValues(IEC 61850-7-2,9.2.3)
      GetDataValues(IEC 61850-7-2,10.4.2)
      SetDataValues(IEC 61850-7-2,10.4.3)
      GetDataDirectory(IEC 61850-7-2,10.4.4)
      GetDataDefinition(IEC 61850-7-2,10.4.5)
用超出范围的值请求CODED ENUM的设置数据值,并验证请求失败和服务错误(IEC 61850-7-2,10.4.2)
用不匹配的数据类型(如,int-float)请求SetDataValues并验证服务请求失败和服务错误(IEC 61850-7-2,10.4.2)
(IEC 61850-7-2,10.4.2)

下面以ACSI_SetDataValues功能为例介绍编码,用此功能有几种方法往服务器中写值。可以用一个命令往功能约束数据属性Functional Constrained Data Attribute(FCDA)中写一个单一的值或往功能约束数据Functional Constrained Data’s(FCD)中写多重复杂结构。
a) ACSI_SetDataValues(“MyServer”, “Relay/LLN0.DC.Beh.d.Description”, “$Some text”)
b) ACSI_SetDataValues(“MyServer”, “Relay/LLN0.DC.Beh.d”, “{$Some text}”)
c) ACSI_SetDataValues(“MyServer”, “Relay/LLN0.DC.Beh”, “{{$Some text}}”)
d) ACSI_SetDataValues(“MyServer”, “Relay/LLN0.DC.Beh.d.Description;
Relay/LLN0.DC.Diag.d.Description”, “$SomeText;$OtherText”)
e) ACSI_SetDataValues(“MyServer”, “Relay/LLN0.DC.Beh.d.Description;
Relay/LLN0.DC.Diag”, “$SomeText;{{$OtherText}}”)
f) ACSI_SetDataValues(“MyServer”, “Relay/MMXU0.CF.A.phsA.units”, “{10,-3}”)
a) 在此项中,一个字符串 “$Some text” 被写入FCDA的‘Description’中;
b) 在此项中,相同的可见字符串被写入FCD(Relay/LLN0.DC.Beh.d),它是与a)中相比更高一级的,Relay/LLN0.DC.Beh.d 只有一个属性:Description。用一个花括号括起此字符串;
c) 同样,在此项中,相同的字符串被写入FCD的更高一级中,很明显,Relay/LLN0.DC.Beh 只有一个功能约束数据FCD:d,此处,用两个花括号括起此字符串
d) 在此项中,两个字符串被写入两个不同的FCDA’s ,“$SomeText”写入第一个,“$OtherText”写入第二个;
e) 类似于d) ,只是第二个被写入更高一级的FCD;                                                       
f) 此项中,有两个元素的一个结构被写入FCD,Relay/MMXU0$CF$A$phsA$units 中,units 包含两个元素:SIUnit, int16 和 mult;, int16
4.4 一致性测试结果
根据ISO/IEC 9646一般有以下三个可能的检测结果:
1)       通过 —— 当观察到的测试结果和一致性要求(主要指测试项的测试目的)相一致,并且没有错误事件发现,则给出此结论;
2)       失败 —— 当观察的测试结果或者证明和相关的(至少一个)一致性要求(主要指测试项的测试目的)不一致,或者根据相关的规定包含至少一个错误的测试项,则给出此结论;
3)       无结论 —— 当观察的测试结果既不通过也不失败时,这样一个结论一般要找出是因为标准或操作还是应为测试程序的原因。
The road of the development of China's 5 consistency test

From the development of conformance testing foreign point of view, North American and European protocol compatible with the natural formation of test center industry. This may in the short term is difficult to achieve Chinese. China at present may also introduce technology international authority on protocol compatibility testing center experience to establish monitoring center equipment only by, so we put forward a development idea as follows.

1) learn from the advanced experiences of foreign conformance testing. From an international test mechanism mature to learn from their experience at the same time, the positive research, according to the China conditions, establishment of protocol testing mechanism uses the technology of their own resources. And by the authority of the international mature testing agencies, to ensure that the technical strength test mechanism protocol in our country and the authority, so that we can avoid detours, conform with international as soon as possible.

2) protocol conformance testing must be enforced. Protocol conformance testing is to ensure that the basis for interoperability, cannot achieve interoperability, there is no IEC 61850 set. Therefore, the conformance test specification must be mandatory, and to conduct conformance testing for each series of IED. Otherwise, because each manufacturer of protocol to explain the differences caused by the interconnection impassability, also will cause the waste of manpower and material resources of the waves.

3) conformance test results must be unique. Each test of the same equipment test results must be the same. Otherwise, to perform the tests will lose significance.

4) protocol to establish third party testing center. Protocol conformance testing organization should be third party organization to implement, to ensure fair, professional, authoritative conformance test results.

5) follows the IEC TC57 leadership, unified work. To ensure that the protocol conformance test results, it is necessary to consider the domestic and international factors comprehensively, otherwise even if the protocol consistency in our country are guaranteed, but in the international arena, may still be unable to keep up with the foreign product compatibility, since a world have a standard, then we must coordinate and leadership in the international IEC TC57 to work under the.

6 Conclusion

At present, the various parts of IEC 61850 has been officially published finished, our corresponding standards of the power industry has also published a part, some large foreign companies are focused on digestive standard, GE and other large international companies have to make its application on their own products, and made the interoperability test of [6~8]. Some well-known domestic manufacturers such as Nari, the Quartet, Nanzi also under active research, made the corresponding interoperability test. To ensure the interconnection of multiple manufacturers of equipment successfully, and the normal business of providing, for protocol conformance test of the equipment is very necessary. IEC 61850 is one of the main objective to achieve interoperability, and consistency with the protocol is product interoperability based, so the research on the consistency is imminent. The test procedure, in this paper, the conformance testing testing structure and content, were introduced and discussed simple Chinese protocol test road etc.. Believe that further research will certainly to the conformance testing positive effect on the correct implementation of IEC 61850 standard in the product in the.
5 我国一致性测试的发展道路
2)规约一致性测试必须强制执行。规约一致性测试是保证互操作性的基础,不能实现互操作性,IEC 61850的制定就失去了意义。因此,规约的一致性测试必须是强制性的,并且要对每一系列的IED进行一致性测试。不然,由于各厂家对规约解释的不同而造成互联不通,还将造成大浪的人力物力的浪费。
5)服从IEC TC57领导,统一开展工作。要保证规约一致性测试的效果,就必须全面考虑国内外的因素,否则即使我们国家的规约一致性得到了保证,但在国际大舞台上,可能还是无法保持与国外产品的兼容性,既然一个世界有一个标准,那我们就要在国际IEC TC57的统一协调和领导下工作。
6 结语
目前,IEC 61850各个部分已经正式出版完毕,我国相应电力行业标准也已出版了一部分,国内外一些大的公司正在着力研究消化标准,GE等一些大的国际厂商已经使其应用于自身产品,并做了互操作试验[6~8]。国内一些知名厂家如南瑞、四方、南自等也在积极研究,做了相应的互操作试验。为确保多个厂家设备的互联成功,以及业务的正常提供,对设备进行协议一致性测试是十分必要的。IEC 61850的主要目的之一就是实现互操作,而与协议的一致性又是产品实现互操作性的基础,因此对一致性的研究就迫在眉睫。本文就一致性测试标准的测试程序、测试结构、测试内容,中国规约测试道路等方面作了简单的介绍与讨论。相信对一致性测试的进一步研究必将对IEC 61850标准在产品中的正确实现起到积极作用。
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The Study on IEC 61850 Conformance Testing
(Nanjing Automation Research Institute, Nanjing 210003,China)
Abstract: The IED following IEC 61850 is the key for IED from different manufacturers to implement interoperability. Accordingly, the conformance testing becomes the important part in product development. The process, the contents and the items which to be tested are introduced in this paper. The simple framework of conformance testing is proposed and discussed. This paper forecasts the development of the conformance testing of the electric power and proposes how the conformance testing should be developed in China. It is helpful for conformance testing.
Key words: IEC 61850; IED; conformance testing; interoperability; testing process