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Palm 2M BER tester SunLite-E1

Palm 2M BER tester SunLite-E1 掌上型2M 误码仪----SunLite E1

 Palm 2M bit error tester ----SunLite E1
Powerful, compact structure and low price makes American victory SunLite E1 it a wise choice for all technical personnel equipped with.
2Mbps test in the palm of your hand, you can use 75 and 120 ohm mode. SunLite E1 can fully meet the 2.048Mbps transmission to the required test function. SunLite E1 weight is only 0.3 of kg, it is the world's smallest with complete performance hand held 2.048 Mbps transmission tester. SunLite E1 simplifies the 2.048 Mbps E1 test, and also provides more diagnostic ability than other big portable tester. SunLite E1 can be used to switch, multiplexer, regenerative repeater or a 2.048 Mbps terminal.
Multi functional SunLite E1 with the following properties due to further improve, namely: 75 asymmetric type connector optional or 120 ohm symmetric type connector, can store up to 10 test results and the 3 configuration, can be composed of NimH battery charging or 2 AA type alkaline battery to supply power. Convenient combined with powerful function to the tester are very useful in factories, central office, customer service center, product development laboratories and cooperative communication center etc..
Product features:
The world's full 2.048Mbps channel transmission test instrument minimum;
The use of simple and convenient operation, can directly enter the settings from the keyboard and the test menu;
The 13 highlight LED indicator allows engineers to quickly understand the current and historical status;
Instrument internal clock with high accuracy, up to 2ppm;
The level and frequency measurement receiver input sensitivity: +6 to -43dB;
To be completed by 2.048Mbps circuit and 64Kbps channel BER testing;
Terminal, monitoring, high impedance mode, online and offline test mode;
You can view the CAS signaling, built-in speaker and microphone for voice monitoring and inserted into the 64K channel;
Frequency offset test, delay test test, check the frame synchronization (FAS) and multi frame synchronization byte (MFAS);
Loop delay test and stress test (automatic transmit clock bias);
Use rechargeable NimH batteries or 2 5 batteries work;
Provide serial port upgrade for printing data and field software system.


The main technical indicators
2.048Mbps to send, receive and external clock interface, 75 ohm unbalanced BNC interface. Can be replaced with 120 ohm balanced (3-PIN) interface;
The sending end:
Clock source: the internal clock (2.048 + 24400ppm; 2.048MHz), receive clock, external clock;
Clock precision: + 2ppm;
Line code: HDB3 and AMI; pulse waveform: in accordance with ITU-T G.703
The receiving end:
Frequency range: 2.048 + 24400ppm
Input sensitivity:
Terminal high resistance: 6 to -43dB with automatic compensation
Monitoring: -20 to -30dB impedance loss, with 0 to -6dB cable loss
The return loss performance of the ITU-T G.703
Jitter tolerance resistance conforms to ITU-T G.703
Measuring index
Bit error rate tested: 2.048Mbps, N (continuous) and M (discontinuous) * 64Kbps (N&M=1~31)
Frame type: unframed, PCM-30, PCM-31, PCM -30C, PCM -31C. Comply with ITU-T G.704
The test pattern generator:
General: 1111... , 0000... , 0101...
PRBS: 2N-1, n=9,11,15,20,23. meets ITU-T O.151, 0.152, O.153 and ANSI V.52, V.57
Programmable: 3 for 16 bit patterns, test pattern reversal function
E1 signal level: 0~-43dB, resolution: 1dB
Frequency measurements (Hz and ppm): the current frequency, the maximum frequency, the minimum frequency, sliding counting clock
CODE error: error count and rate
Frame error: FAS, MFAS and CRC-4 error count and error rate
Count: LOS, SYNC, LOF, AIS, loss of FAS, RAI and MFAS seconds
Bit error: G.821 analysis, G.826 measurement and M.2100 measurement
E-bit error: error count and rate
Transmission delay measurement units for UI and us, 1US resolution, range from 100US to 10 seconds.
Automatic transmission clock bias: at the same time coding and bit error, transmission delay display. Set external Shi Zhongda + 50kbps with 1bps step can view the CAS signaling and listening for any slot insertion / extraction operation
VF voice measurement: 50Hz to 3950Hz, 1Hz resolution; +3dBm0 to -60dBm0, 1dB resolution
Other technical indicators
Instrument settings and the measuring result can be printed
Printing interval programmable: NOW, 5 minutes, 1 hours, 24 hours, continuous delay time, set up to 99 hours and 59 minutes;
Can store 10 test results, or print screen display
Histogram: G.821 basic measurement, for up to 60 days of histogram, resolution of 1 days; 24 hours of histogram resolution for 1 minutes, 2 histogram storage;
State / alarm indication: 13 bright LED lights
SIGNAL: Red - Green - no signal; signal; flashing red - records.
PCM-30: Red - meter frame type is set to PCM-30, but not yet received; green received PCM-30 signal
PCM-31: Red - meter frame type is set to PCM-31, but not yet received; green received PCM-31 signal
CRC-4: Red - not detected the requirements of CRC-4; green detected CRC-4 check the correct
SYNC: Red - Test code type not synchronized; green - Test code type normal synchronous
TX: a long green - sending open; flashing green - self loop; not bright - send off
RUN: Green - Test in progress
RAI, AIS, CODE, ERROR, BIT: Red - received the corresponding error
POWER: a long green - full of electricity or is connected to the power supply adapter; red - green power shortage; slow flash power normal
The instrument can be used inside the battery or external power supply, battery can use 2 No. 5 batteries or NimH batteries; operating time: 6 hours (NimH cells send off); the charging time: 14 hours
Print / communication interface: RS232, RJ11, 6 core asynchronous used for calibration of the TTL output
Operating temperature: 0 to 50 DEG C.
Storage temperature: -20 degrees to + 70 degrees
Humidity: 5% to 90% non condensation
Size: 7.5cm (W) * 5.4cm (H) * 3.5cm (L)
Weight: 0.4 kg


美国胜利SunLite E1 的强大的功能、紧凑的结构以及低价格使得它成为为所有技术人员进行配备的一个明智的选择。
     在手掌上进行 2Mbps 的测试,可以使用 75 欧姆和 120 欧姆模式。SunLite E1 可以完全满足 2.048Mbps 传输测试所需的功能。SunLite E1 重量仅为 0.3 kg ,它是世界上最小的具有完整性能的手持式 2.048 Mbps 传输测试仪。SunLite E1 简化了 2.048 Mbps 的 E1 测试,同时还提供了比其它较大的便携式测试仪更多的诊断能力。 SunLite E1 可以被用于交换机、复用器、再生中继器或者 2.048 Mbps 终端。
     SunLite E1 的多功能性由于具有下列性能而得到进一步提高,即:可选的 75 Ω 不对称型连接器或 120 Ω 对称型连接器,可以存贮至多 10 个测试结果及 3 个配置,可以由充电的 NimH 电池或 2 节 AA 型碱性电池来供电。方便性与强大的功能相结合使得此测试仪在工厂、中心局、客户业务中心、产品开发实验室以及合作通信中心等处都非常有用。


  • 世界上最小的全功能 2.048Mbps 通道传输测试仪表;             
  • 使用操作简便,从键盘可直接进入各项设置及测试菜单;
  • 13个 高亮 LED 指示灯使工程师迅速了解当前及历史状态;
  • 仪表内部时钟具有很高的精度,达 2ppm ;
  • 电平和频率测量,接收端输入灵敏度: +6 到 -43dB ;
  • 可完成 2.048Mbps 电路及 64Kbps 信道误码测试;
  • 终端、监测、高阻模式,在线与离线测试模式;
  • 可查看 CAS 信令,内置扬声器和麦克风对 64K 信道话音进行监听及插入; 
  • 频偏测试、时延测试调测,查看帧同步( FAS )和复帧同步字节( MFAS );
  • 环路时延测试及自动应激测试(发送时钟拉偏);
  • 使用可充电 NimH 电池或 2 节 5 号电池工作;
  • 提供串口用于数据打印及现场软件系统升级



  • 接口
    2.048Mbps 发送、接收和外接钟接口, 75 Ω非平衡 BNC 接口。可替换成 120 Ω( 3-PIN )平衡接口;
  • 发送端:
    时钟源:内部时钟( 2.048 + 24,400ppm;2.048MHz )、接收时钟、外部时钟;
    时钟精度: + 2ppm;
    线路编码: HDB3 和 AMI ; 脉冲波形:符合 ITU-T G.703
  • 接收端:
    频率范围: 2.048 + 24,400ppm
    终端高阻: 6 到 -43dB 带自动线路补偿
    监测: -20 到 -30dB 阻抗损耗,带 0 到 -6dB 电缆损耗
    回损性能符合 ITU-T G.703
    抖动容阻符合 ITU-T G.703



  • 比特差错测试速率: 2.048Mbps 、 N (连续)和 M (非连续) × 64Kbps(N&M=1~31)
  • 帧型:非成帧、 PCM-30 、 PCM-31 、 PCM -30C 、 PCM -31C 。符合 ITU-T G.704
  • 测试图案发生器:
        一般: 1111 … 、 0000 …、 0101 …
        PRBS : 2n-1,n=9,11,15,20,23. 符合 ITU-T O.151, 0.152, O.153 及 ANSI V.52, V.57
        可编程: 3 个长达 16 比特的图案,测试图案反转功能
  • E1 信号电平: 0~-43dB ,分辨率: 1dB
  • 频率测量( Hz 和 ppm ):当前频率、最大频率、最小频率、时钟滑动计数
  • CODE 差错:差错计数和比率
  • 帧差错: FAS 、 MFAS 和 CRC-4 差错计数和差错比率
  • 计数: LOS 、 SYNC 丢失、 LOF 、 AIS 、 FAS 、 RAI 和 MFAS 秒
  • Bit 差错: G.821 分析、 G.826 测量、 M.2100 测量
  • E-bit 差错:差错计数和比率
  • 传输时延测量,单位为 UI 和 us , 1us 分辨率、范围从 100us 到 10 秒
  • 自动发送时钟拉偏:同时显示编码和比特错误、传输时延。设置外部时钟达 + 50kbps 带 1bps 步进可以查看 CAS 信令并对任一时隙进行监听,插入 / 提取操作
  • VF 语音测量: 50Hz 到 3950Hz , 1Hz 分辨率; +3dBm0 到 -60dBm0 , 1dB 分辨率



  • 仪表设置和测量结果可打印
  • 打印间隔可编程: NOW 、 5 分钟、 1 小时、 24 小时、连续延迟计时,设置可达 99 小时 59 分;
    可存储 10 个测试结果,可屏幕显示或打印
  • 直方图: G.821 基本测量,多达 60 天的直方图,分辨率为 1 天; 24 小时直方图分辨率为 1 分钟, 2 个直方图存贮;
  • 状态 / 告警指示: 13 个高亮 LED 指示灯
    SIGNAL :红—无信号;绿—有信号;红色闪烁—记载。
    PCM-30 :红色—仪表帧型设置为 PCM-30 ,但未收到;绿色—收到 PCM-30 信号
    PCM-31 :红色—仪表帧型设置为 PCM-31 ,但未收到;绿色—收到 PCM-31 信号
    CRC-4 :红色—未检测到要求的 CRC-4 ;绿色—检测到正确的 CRC-4 校验
    SYNC :红色—测试码型未同步;绿色—测试码型正常同步
    TX :长绿—发送打开;绿色闪烁—自环;不亮—发送关闭
    RUN :绿—测试进行中
    RAI 、 AIS 、 CODE 、 ERROR 、 BIT :红色—收到相应的错误
    POWER :长绿—充满电或正接在电源适配器上;红—电力不足;绿色慢闪—电力   正常
  • 仪表可使用内部电池或外接电源供电,电池可使用 2 节 5 号电池或 NimH 电池; NimH 电池操作时间:6小时(发送关闭);充电时间:14小时
  • 打印/通迅接口: RS232 , RJ11 , 6 芯异步用于校准的 TTL 输出
             操作温度: 0 ℃ 到 50 ℃ 
             存贮温度: -20 ℃ 到 + 70 ℃
             湿度: 5% 到 90% 非凝结
             尺寸: 7.5cm (W) × 5.4cm (H) × 3.5cm (L)    
             重量: 0.4 公斤