• ADDRESS:No.111 NanJing Road Shibi Industrial Area Panyu District of GuangZhou GuangDong,P.R.China
  • TEL:+86 20 83687691
  • FAX:+86 20 83687779
Ultrasonic testing of electrical detection@

Ultrasonic testing of electrical equipment valve steam leak detection

Ultrasonic testing of electrical equipment testing valve class and condensate valve leak detection equipment to detect electrical mechanical bearing detection ultrasonic detection valve type and condensate valve leak detection of mechanical bearing detection




 Ultrasonic testing service
(1) the refrigerator air system leakage
The instrument can leak detection refrigerator vacuum or pressure type of leak and air conditioning system during installation. When the refrigerant leakage when the leak will produce ultrasonic, using the detector can accurately find the leak location.
(2) heating system leakage
(3) vapor transmission system leakage
(4) the compressed air leakage
(5) the tyres and the pipeline leakage
(6) engine sealing
(7) arc
Arc produces ultrasonic rich bandwidth it can also be detected.
(8) the pressure test
(9) drying system
Using the detector + ultrasonic generator
(1) the door and window seal check
(2) the roof Water Leakage
(3) the ditch pipeline screening
(4) the door seal
(5) the cab wind
Application of ultrasonic detection of various industries
1 ultrasonic leak detection
Ultrasonic leak detection application is extremely extensive, almost all the factories are available. No matter what types of fluid leakage, leakage can be detected, the more serious, the stronger the signal, especially suitable for the saturated gas, many gas, pressure vessel, vacuum processing applications.
Detection of electrical equipment
When the switching device, transformer, insulation device, circuit breaker, relay, busbar electrical discharge occurred, such as arc, leakage or corona, may be a potential fault. This signal sounds like fried buzzing or humming sound, the more close to the discharge, the louder the sound. With the use of accessories (ultrasonic wave collector) to detect the overhead power line.
Detection of class of the valve and steam trap
When the fluid (gas or liquid) from the high pressure end through the valve to the low end, will be relatively "An Jing" under normal circumstances, once the valve or blockage, the liquid through the leak point or block segment, it will produce turbulence. Turbulence will produce ultrasonic signal is strong, and even in the noise environment can also be detected.
Manufacturing plant steam traps most are recommended to ultrasonic detection method is the most reliable. Condenser valve leakage is too large or obstruction, can be easily measured. Instrument FM function can highlight the fault signal, interference significantly reduce the foreign sound, even if the detection of arrangement of a plurality of condensing steam valve close is not affected.
Bearings and mechanical parts detection
In the early fault found abnormal. Can be found in bearing and oil bearing a foreign body in excess, and serious abrasion in various speed, ultrasonic HF can avoid deviation, filter out background noise, and in the condition of vibration using is not affected.
The sound signal of mechanical motion can produce wide frequency, small changes can be very sensitive to the detection of acoustic amplitude and pitch in the high frequency narrow band, may carry on the contrast, can also be observed the change tendency. According to the NASA research, higher than that of 8dB indicates the lack of oil, higher than 12dB indicating fault early period, 16dB above means that the fault has been developed, 35-50dB is the accident forecast.
Heat exchanger, boiler and condenser detection
These devices available detection pipe, tube plate and the box body. There are three kinds of method for detecting leakage: pressure, vacuum and ultrasonic testing. Pressure and vacuum testing, ultrasonic receiving the leak point is issued, and ultrasonic testing, is a special acoustic generator in the box body, the ultrasonic signal is transmitted to the pipeline, the ultrasonic signal and then leak out from the external detection instrument, suitable for with part load repair or maintenance shutdown.
Aircraft detection
System of aircraft, such as compressors, valves, power, pump, cabin windows and so on, will produce ultrasonic, some from the turbulence, some from the friction. When these parts begin to wear, failure or leakage, ultrasonic can produce abnormal. The first scan mode in ultrasonic detector to find the abnormal sound diagnosis and contact mode region.
Ship detection
Application of ultrasonic detection in the shipbuilding industry is very extensive. In the sealing waterproof board, hatch covers, condenser, steam system, compressed air system, all kinds of mechanical parts and all kinds of valves etc.
. In the absence of the pressure of circumstances, can be used in conjunction with the ultrasonic generator to detect the sealing performance of the corresponding equipment.
Application of transportation industry
The general scope of application of water sealing, wind noise, pneumatic brake, radiation leakage etc.. According to the traditional methods, the use of hose and flash detection of leaking and wind noise, time consuming and poor accuracy. Using soap and blister test of air brake and radiation leakage, is time consuming and inefficient. The use of ultrasonic testing is much more relaxed. The ultrasonic generator is placed in the cabin (body), scanning the door, window, floor, the seal, can accurately, quickly and easily complete the detection.
The compressor test
Compressor is the heart of gas compression system, even small leaks will also expand rapidly, threatening the security of the system. Ultrasonic testing for detection of two kinds of method of compressor valve. One is the "direct" method, contact valve for probe, and then adjust the sensitivity of the instrument to determine the most strong voice. Another method is through the attached to the metal surface of the magnetic seat "detection. The magnetic seat can eliminate the mechanical vibration effect to instrument reading
Mechanical operation detection
Students a wide range of sound mechanical operation process, only focus on the HF portion receives them, and detect the acoustic amplitude and sound quality of the subtle changes in. Through the "heterodyne" ultrasonic received signal into a sound signal ear audible range, so it can be observed through the instrument, use the headphones, and state monitoring for mechanical equipment.
Application of ultrasonic detection of rail transportation in railway contact net
The electrified railway traction power supply


Electric railway traction power supply proposal
An industry overview:
All kinds of faults in electric railway catenary equipment, electrical burns because of its difficult to find fault in advance and harm is big, has aroused more and more attention of power supply operation maintenance department. In the electrified railway contact net, equipment is working in the dual role of force and power down, so the mechanical failure and electric burn fault form the subject of catenary fault. In the operation of the contact net for many years, traction capacity increases unceasingly in the situation, the phenomenon of electric burn equipment has become more and more prominent, and the problem of electrical burn in advance and not easy to find, very dangerous. Therefore, the prevention and control of the equipment contact net electrical burn occurs fault has become the power supply operation unit is an important task to ensure the security of electricity supply.
Current electric railway industry detection means:
Contact net is a kind of special power supply equipment. Because of its special structure and conditions of use, its fault is also a variety of. The fault phenomena, the causes and should study measures will help strengthen the understanding of the origin of the fault, and constantly improve the technology and means of detection, currently in the electrified railway traction electrical detection mainly infrared thermometry based, but encountered this detection mode, there are many problems, has brought some inconvenience to the detection work daily.
Analysis of the causes of failure problem of electrical burn:
In the electrical design, although the line traction capacity to increase margins have been considered, but with the development of railway transportation, to increase the traction capacity now is beyond the margin. The long run some clues for the continuous carrying capacity is too small to bear a large current, electrical burn occurs.
The contact network leading electric back feeder, separated separated routing, lead, catenary, contact wire, electric connector, suction, suction change variable lead etc.. Between the various parts are connected by a variety of wire clip, make this a loop along the railway extension, satisfy the need of power supply to the electric locomotive. The main circuit current must be good, can guarantee the smooth; if flawed, will cause the local load through the large, serious parts shunt, which burns contact line equipment.
Electrical, chemical corrosion and electrical connection part due to bad connection or long time running loose, resulting in cross section of main circuit (or equivalent cross-sectional area) is insufficient, the electrical connection impedance increase, thus guide is not smooth, burn the contact line equipment. Such as: the bearing cable into the electric connector and electrical part of diversion; electric connection clamp size slot against; clamp with debris; equipment wire clamp of non face to face contact etc..
Connecting clamp burn
The structure of the contact network station is more complicated, in electrical connection, due to various reasons resulting in the main circuit is not closed, the leading electric circuitous route, causing serious burns shunt catenary components.
Through some should not have current contact network structure design in place, but due to certain conditions by the coincidence of all or part of the traction current. Because these places is no guarantee of traction current (or shunt) through the necessary electrical connection, so burn catenary equipment.
Clues, clues and support device of the interchange between the line impedance is formed due to different voltage difference, in the wind, temperature and vibration and other factors, the distance between them is not enough, resulting in the discharge phenomenon, the discharge arc burn the contact line equipment.
The two ends of the in-phase and belongs to different feeder of the insulated section joint, sectional insulator, due to impedance power supply arm formed in different voltage difference, when the electric locomotive pantograph short connected by two power supply arm in a short moment, arcing contact, equipment caused by burn.
And yet in the construction is not strictly implement the relevant standards, causing the junction line electric connector is not correct, clamp installation is not standard. Overhaul regulation on electrical current standard electrical connection without quantitative indicators, which makes the power sector unsystematic in specific maintenance "". The electrical connection of the lack of effective methods and means of detection, in particular overhaul in doing some appearance inspection. The existence of "misunderstanding oiled" area. In order to prevent the equipment maintenance quality inspection points, maintenance staff a lot of butter smeared on the contact network equipment in peacetime maintenance, causing the internal electrical burn defect of equipment cannot timely discovered. Such as: to prevent the electric connection points in electric connection resistence, wipe the surface coated with a thick layer of butter. The equipment inspection especially vigil work ineffective implementation.
All electrical devices such as not to advance in the prevention of accident consequences:
The electric connecting clamp fever. The reason is the electric connection clamp did not press formulary installation or in the operation process of bolts loosening, electrical Compound Grease aging defects, make the electric connection point of the increase of contact resistance and heat increases, the wire clamp heat burn clues, severe cases burned clues.
The clue (contact wire, bearing cable, power supply line and return line, electrical connection part of self suction line) strand broken or disconnected.
The reason is the station track electrical connection set the position or number is not reasonable, the track between contact suspension flow taking in locomotive produced under the condition of large pressure difference across the contact suspension in soft produce circulation, resulting in pulling injury phenomenon in the weak links of electric discharge suspension pulley or locator root.
The equipment wire clamp, a joint clamp, suck choke is connected on-line with burns. Soft cross circulation caused by bearing cable suspension pulley or locator root positioning hook burns. Because of different suspension ask non stability of contact will cause the clue asked discharge: when 2 different suspension




(1) 冰箱空调系统泄露
(2) 供热系统泄露
(3) 蒸汽传输系统泄露
(4) 压缩空气泄露
(5) 轮胎和管道泄漏
(6) 引擎密封
(7) 电弧
(8) 耐压检测
(9) 烘干系统

 (2) 屋顶漏水
 (4) 房门密封

































① 在电气化设计中,虽对线路牵引运能的增加裕量有所考虑,但随着铁路运输发展,现在牵引运能的增加已超出了裕量。原采用的一些线索因持续载流量偏小而承受不了大电流的长期运行,就发生了电气烧伤。
② 接触网主导电回路由馈电线、隔开、隔开引线、承力索、接触线、电联接器、吸变、吸变引线等组成。各部分间由各种线夹进行连接,使这一回路沿铁路延伸,满足向电力机车供电的需要。主导电回路必须良好,才能保证电流的畅通;若存有缺陷,将引起局部载流过大、零部件分流严重,从而烧伤接触网设备。
③ 电气联接部分因连接不良或长时间运行松动等原因引起的电、化学腐蚀,造成主导电回路的截面(或当量截面积)不足,电气连接阻抗加大,从而导流不畅,烧伤接触网设备。如:将承力索纳入了电联接器电气导流的一部分;电联接线夹大小槽装反;线夹内有杂物;设备线夹间非面面接触等等。
④ 站场中的接触网结构比较复杂,在进行电气连接时,由于种种原因造成主导电回路不闭合、主导电通道迂回,引起分流严重而烧伤接触网零部件。
⑤ 设计的接触网结构中某些不应有电流通过的地方,而由于某些条件的巧合通过了全部或部分牵引电流。由于这些地方没有保证牵引电流(或其分流)通过的必要的电气连接,所以烧伤了接触网设备。
⑥ 立体交叉的线索、线索与支持装置间,由于线路阻抗的不同而形成电压差,在风力、温度变化、振动等因素的作用下,它们之间的距离不够,造成放电现象,放电电弧烧伤了接触网设备。
⑦ 两端属同相而不同馈线供电的绝缘锚段关节、分段绝缘器,因供电臂的阻抗不同而形成电压差,当电力机车通过受电弓短接两供电臂瞬间,在短接点处产生电弧,造成设备的烧伤。
⑧ 然而在施工时未严格执行有关标准,导致电联接器的结线不正确、线夹安装不标准。现行的检修规程中对电气联接的电气标准没有量化指标,使得供电部门在具体检修时“无章可循”。对电气联接缺乏行之有效的检测方法和手段,在具体检修中多是做些外观上的检查。工区存在“涂油”的认识误区。为防止设备检修质量验收时扣分,检修人员在平时检修时对接触网设备抹涂大量的黄油,致使设备的内部电气烧伤缺陷不能及时地被发现。如:为防止电联接散股扣分,在电联接表面抹涂上一层厚厚的黄油。对设备的巡视特别是夜巡工作执行不力。

①    电气连接线夹发热。原因是电联结线夹未按规定安装或在运行过程中发生螺栓松动、电力复合脂老化等缺陷,使电联结处接触电阻增加进而发热量增加,使线夹发热而烧伤线索,严重情况下烧断线索。
②    线索(接触线、承力索、供电线、回流线、吸上线)自电气接续部分断股或断开。
③    设备线夹、接头线夹、吸上线与轭流圈连接处烧伤。软横跨环流造成承力索悬吊滑轮处或定位器根部定位钩处烧伤。原因是不同悬挂问非稳定性接触也会造成线索问放电:当2不同悬挂立体交叉时.如果2支悬挂均为载流悬挂.当其中1支有大负荷电流时,根据潮流计算可知,在2悬挂问会形成电位差,此时如果2悬挂问存在非稳定性接触,则在2悬挂问就会产生过渡电弧进而烧伤线索。此种情况一般发生在站场交叉承力索问和非支接触线与工支定位管问。                                                      
④    通过以上故障原因分析接触网既然是机、电合一的特殊供电设备,因此在运行过程中不可避免发生电气方面的问题。电气方面故障虽数量不多,但一旦发生,则会造成严重影响,甚至造成塌网、断线故障。


①    采用超声波检测仪器,提高设备的运行可靠性。认真做好日常运行维护工作,提高设备健康水平,运行人员加强巡视维护质量,可以及时发现或消除设备隐患,提高供电可靠性。
② 全方位配合开展设备状态检修,利用绝缘在线监测、带电测试和超声波检测及红外热成像监测发热点等措施,加强对设备的监测工作。
2004年因接触网系统发生故障340件,累计停电31148分钟,故障平均停电时间为92分钟,占牵引供电系统故障的 91%;2004年因接触网系统发生故障停电274件,累计停电25160分钟,故障平均停电时间为92分钟,占牵引供电系统故障的95%。波及面和损失非常大。
①    设计标准,如风速选值,最大受风偏移量,接触网最大跨距,锚段长度,下锚偏角,设计拉出值等技术参数都需要认真研究。
②    选用耐腐蚀的优质材料,采用表层防腐处理,定期清扫接触网。
③    有计划地对接触网上的各个连接部位及线夹进行有效的实时监控,利用超声波检测仪及时发现线夹松动和绝缘损坏的早期放电现象,起到预防设备故障的发生。