• ADDRESS:No.111 NanJing Road Shibi Industrial Area Panyu District of GuangZhou GuangDong,P.R.China
  • TEL:+86 20 83687691
  • FAX:+86 20 83687779
Power plant substation plant safety risk assessmen

Power plant substation plant safety risk assessment

Power plant substation plant safety risk assessment @
High, low voltage electrical equipment periodically tested in accordance with the "preventive test rules" requirements for electric power equipment,
And regularly infrared thermal imaging, and established the related data files
Serial assessment major assessment content assessment rules
The implementation of the 1 power supply management system (20 points) the implementation of scheduling management provisions (4 points) 1, without the permission of operation scheduling scheduling under the jurisdiction of equipment
2, high voltage power supply user caused by malfunction of incoming line switch trip, all the loss of power, should be immediately truthfully to the electric variable upper level report
3, the outage shall go through the relevant formalities, and inform the user
4, the use of overload power
Power supply and use of regulations implementation (6 points) 1, new (change, extend) electricity, temporary electricity must apply to power supply company, make power supply scheme; preliminary design drawings required by power supply company audit
2, the net manufacturers of high voltage electric equipment qualification shall be reported to the power company audit
3, the new substation must have the computer integrated automatic function, and will lead to higher level monitoring system of Substation
Metering device 4, fees should be regularly metrological verification institutions qualified
5, unauthorized removal, relocation of metering device
6, without power supply company agreed to, the unauthorized introduction or the power to transfer power supply
7, the self power supply grid (generator) must be declared
The protection of power facilities management of the protection of power facilities management (10 points) 1, the overhead line protection zone, underground cable protection zones, or whether the garbage piling up, the cable trench slag, flammable, explosive and other effects of the security of supply items etc.
2, without authorization, pry the cable channel, cable well cover
3, damage the cable trench cover, lamp base and lamp cable
4, mobile, damage to power facilities sign
5, before the construction, the construction units (or owners) shall organize relevant units to carry out electrical pipeline disclosure
6, because of accidents causing serious damage to power facilities which do not score
2 Substation Management (60 points) substation personnel management (2.5 points) 1, certificates
2, the correct wear labor protection products
Variable environmental requirements of electrical outdoor (2 points) without affecting the power supply safety factor of 1, outdoor (such as a link, load switch around has endangered the safety of equipment, equipment in the district banned the planting of high stem crops
2, outdoor power supply repair factors exist. (such as cable channel, channel, outdoor transformer field leveling no debris, cable trench cover is complete
Substation indoor environmental requirements (2 points) 1, good indoor clean and tidy, indoor sundries, indoor light bright and soft. High, low-voltage cabinet shell clean, no dust, no rust
2, the door opened to meet the requirement of safety requirements, installation of doors and windows are complete, no leaks, no play rain phenomenon
3, the distribution frame facilities are not damaged, no crack; ventilation, lighting device intact
The main equipment without major defects (8 points) protection device 1, operation of the equipment must be reliable, complete
2, high and low voltage electrical equipment periodically tested in accordance with the "preventive test power equipment regulations" requirements, and regularly infrared thermal imaging, and established the related data files
3, the insulation condition of electrical equipment is good, no discharge phenomenon
4, a good electrical connection, no abnormal phenomenon of heating
Oil filled equipment in good condition (1 points) the oil level of oil filling equipment is normal, no leakage, hygroscopic agent intact
The substation grounding system intact (1.5 points) 1, substation grounding resistance must be qualified
2, the appropriate location for a joint grounding grids, convenient and reliable connection joints shall be ground
Monitoring equipment in normal operation (2.5 points) 1, measurement, indicator gauge correctly, forecast, alarm signal device should be good
2, microcomputer measuring and protection device runs well
3, the DC operation power supply reliability, good insulation of DC system
A self-contained power supply interlock safety (1 points) to prevent safety net measures
Anti misoperation device (2 points) 1, high voltage switch equipment should have a perfect "five protection" function
2, charged bare parts (such as transformer room) whether it has protective measures
3, mobile electrical equipment safety limiting device reliability
Safety equipment, fire fighting facilities, and according to the requirements for periodic inspection (4 points) 1, common security appliance is complete (electroscope 2, insulated gloves, insulated boots 2 pay 2 pay, ground 3 group, signs, barriers, with a number of not less than the standard)
2, the insulation safety instruments should be regularly test, and the mark of conformity, stored in a dry fixed location
Special line 3, grounding wire clip is good, codes
4, all equipped with enough signs, barriers, and stored in a fixed location, dry and ventilated
5, change requires intact substation in the lower part of the length of the ladder, the application of rubber anti-skid pads, and coated with red and white color, stored in dry indoor
6, the substation shall be equipped with qualified fire equipment, regular inspection
Substation anti measures to perfect small animals (1.5 points) 1, leading to the void distribution room should be tight sealing, exhaust ventilation hole shutter should be set nets, mesh is not greater than 10 x 10 mm
2, the substation shall be provided with anti rat guards access
3, the control room, duty room may not be stored food
Substation communication facilities are good (1 points) 1, substation communication facilities in good condition
2, to accept the operating instruction of the phone has the function of recording
The implementation of two votes (5 points) 1, work ticket pass rate of 100%, each find a mistake deducted 1 points
2, the operation ticket pass rate of 100%, each find a mistake deducted 1 points
3, the electrical work "work ticket issue, the responsible person, work permit" complete
4, work ticket, operation ticket registration is complete
Five kinds of Graphs

The five board is complete, the content is correct (2.5 points) 1, a system of operation simulation chart
2, equipment classification and defect tip chart (time, content and the actual match)
Chart 3, relay protection setting value
4, equipment patrol route chart.
* live with electronic version (which can also be 2-4 site has written materials can also be
Substation drawings complete information (1.5 points) 1, substation secondary system wiring diagram
2, two times the principle diagram, wiring diagram.
In 3, DC system diagram.
* live with electronic version (which also 2-3 can be placed in the company of record room
Substation equipment archives and establish a sound (1.5 points) 1, all the high voltage equipment, the new operation specification of equipment
2, equipment
3, equipment installation, maintenance, test report.
* live with electronic version can also be
The sound system and implementing (4 points) 1, shift relief system
2, tour inspection system
3, regularly switching system
4, the system of post responsibility
In 5, operation analysis system
6, the defect management system
7, the maintenance inspection system
8, technology training system.
* live with electronic version can also be
All complete records, fill out the correct (4 points) 1, records, log
The test records, equipment repair 2
3, the equipment defect records
4, switch trip record
5, safety operation analysis record
6, over the years the accident registration record
7, duty electrician training record
Accident emergency management (1 points) 1, accident emergency plan
2, insist on the development of anti accident exercise
In the substation shall be established patrol route sign, equipment nameplate, numbering well. (1 points) 1, the patrol route clear, obvious signs, shall ensure that the inspection personnel of the electric equipment safety distance.
2, electrical equipment number
Safety operation (10 points) 1, duty electrician accident
In 2, operation
3, substation blackout occurred responsibility the years this doesn't score
Electrical equipment management with a 3 field (20 points) field distribution box (3.5 points) 1, distribution box has the obvious warning signs, box switch, components and cable identifiable
2, each switch can control an electric equipment. And the switch protection setting value and electrical equipment load matching.
3, distribution box shell intact, rainproof, dustproof is good, the power distribution box electrical components intact, firm installation, wiring is correct specification
4, distribution box door close (lock), dedicated management. Around distribution box shall not be stacked debris etc.
5, switch box should be installed leakage protector
6, it is strictly prohibited to wire hook directly into the socket in the use of knife switch or
7, the same power supply system for electrical equipment grounding and zero connecting protection shall not be confused
Electrical equipment management of illumination (3.5 points) 1, workplace lighting, should ensure that sufficient brightness
The temporary lighting circuit 2, the site should be relatively fixed, and inspection and maintenance
Hanging 3, lighting height shall be not less than 2.5 meters, and shall not be arbitrarily moving; less than 2.5 meters should be provided with protective cover
4, the handheld lamp voltage is not greater than 36V; especially wet or around the metal conductors are local work, such as in the metal container or tank, not for the lamp voltage exceeds 12V.
5, lamp power supply shall carry isolation transformer supply transformer type or a fixed type, are not allowed on the internal metal container or tank etc.
6, portable lamp transformer high side, should with plug, socket with the low pressure side, and use two plugs can not be inserted into each other
7, for the lamp housing of transformer should have good grounding wire, high voltage side should use three wire plug
Other rear electrical equipment management (13 points) 1, mobile hand-held electric tool cable specifications and quality to meet the requirements, and shall not have joints, tools should be intact. The PE line should be using dual color line.
Electrical circuit 2, connection electric machinery and electric tools should be a separate switch or socket, and the installation of leakage protector; the metal shell should be reliable grounding
3, electric tools should be "a machine of a gate protection"
4, the shell of the welding machine must be reliable grounding, two secondary side power line should use waterproof rubber sheath copper cable.
5, for one input, two times the output of the equipment used (such as electric welder, battery charger, voltage regulator and so on), its primary side power line length must not exceed 5 meters, two secondary side power line length should not exceed 30 metres
6, the electric equipment should be placed in the rain, dry and ventilated place. Rainy outdoor work, have the corresponding protective measures. Daily management to set the responsible person
7, special occasion equipment (such as cooking equipment, washing equipment) must be installed leakage protection device. And have reliable ground protection
8, the electric equipment complete appearance, switch (including function switch, the operation switch) reliable intact, indicating instrument (lamp) indicates the correct cable wiring is correct, intact, standardized and reliable
9, the use of mobile devices for connecting and removing power, must hang warning signs in the corresponding power switch. If necessary, special care.
10, the electric equipment with fixed (such as machine tools, grinding machine etc.), require the power supply switch corresponding fixed, cable laying fixed, reliable zeroing and grounding. Stop the power must be cut off
11, the electric equipment used in the pressure connection must firmly specification, abnormal operation without overheating, overload, abnormal sound, cables, switches and other no abnormal phenomenon of fever, burning etc.
12, for with leakage switch, must monthly calibration leakage protection function, and make a record
13, special occasions (such as: silos, oil depots and gas stations, charging stations, oxygen B will risk explosive fire place), the equipment and facilities must meet the standards for explosion proof, explosion-proof electrical electrical is used to wear, line pipe buried
14, large equipment








序号 评估大项 评估内容 评估细则
1 供电管理制度执行情况(20分) 执行调度管理规定情况(4分) 1、 未经调度许可操作调度管辖设备
2、 高压供电用户因故障导致进线开关跳闸,全所失电,应立即如实向上一级变电所汇报
3、 停电应办理有关手续,并及时通知用户
4、 超负荷使用电力的
电力供应与使用管理规定执行情况(6分) 1、 新建(改、扩建)用电、临时用电必须到供电公司办理申请、制定供电方案;初步设计图纸需经过供电公司审核
2、 入网高压电气设备厂家的资质应报供电公司审核
3、 新建变电所须具备微机综合自动化功能,并将监控系统引至上级变电所
4、 收费的计量装置应定期经计量检定机构检定合格
5、 擅自拆除、改移计量装置的
6、 未经供电公司同意,擅自引入电源或对外转供电的
7、 并网的自备电源(发电机)必须申报
电力设施保护管理电力设施保护管理(10分) 1、 架空线路保护区、地下电缆保护区、或电缆沟上是否堆放垃圾、矿渣、易燃物、易爆物及其他影响安全供电的物品等
2、 擅自撬开电缆沟、电缆井盖板
3、 损坏电缆沟盖板、路灯底座及路灯电缆
4、 移动、损坏电力设施标志的
5、 施工前,建设单位(或业主)应组织相关单位进行电气管线的交底
6、 年内因责任事故造成电力设施严重损坏的此项不得分
2 变电所管理(60分) 变电所人员管理(2.5分) 1、 持证上岗
2、 正确穿戴劳动防护护品
变电所室外环境要求(2分) 1、 室外无影响供电安全因素(如令克、负荷开关周围有危及设备安全情况、设备区内严禁种植高杆作物
  2、 室外无影响供电维修因素存在。(如电缆沟通道、变压器通道、室外场地平整无杂物、电缆盖板齐全
变电所室内环境要求(2分) 1、 做好室内整洁卫生,室内不遗留杂物,室内光线明亮柔和。高、低压柜外壳清洁干净、无灰尘、无锈蚀
2、 门的开向安装符合安全要求要求、门窗齐全完好、无漏雨、无打雨现象
3、 配电构架设施不破损,无裂纹;通风、照明装置完好
主设备无重大缺陷(8分) 1、 运行设备的保护装置必须可靠、完整
2、 高、低压电气设备按照《电力设备预防性试验规程》要求定期进行试验,并定期进行红外热成像检测,并已建立相关数据档案
3、 电气设备的绝缘状况良好,无放电现象
4、 电气连接良好,无异常发热现象
充油设备完好(1分) 充油设备油位正常,无渗漏,吸湿剂完好
变电所接地系统完好(1.5分) 1、 变电所接地电阻必须合格
2、 适当地点装有接地网的接头,接头应方便接地线的可靠连接
监控设备运行正常(2.5分) 1、 测量、指示表计指示正确,预告、报警等信号装置均应良好
2、 微机测控保护装置运行良好
3、 直流操作电源可靠,直流系统绝缘良好
自备电源联锁装置安全可靠(1分) 防止入网措施安全可靠
防误装置(2分) 1、 高压开关设备应具有完善的“五防”功能
2、 带电裸露部分(如变压器室)是否具有防护措施
3、 移动电气设备的限位装置安全可靠
安全用具、消防设施齐全,并按要求定期检验(4分) 1、 常用安全用具齐全(验电器2只、绝缘手套2付、绝缘靴2付、接地线3组、标示牌、遮栏,配备数量不低于上述标准)
2、 绝缘安全工器具应定期试验,并有合格标志,存放在干燥固定地点
3、 接地线两端的专用线夹良好,编号齐全
4、 配备足量的各种标示牌、遮栏,并存放在固定地点,干燥通风
5、 变电所内长短梯要求完好,其下部应用橡皮垫防滑,并涂有红、白相间色,存放在干燥的室内
6、 变电所应配备合格的消防器材,定期检验
变电所防小动物措施完善(1.5分) 1、 通向配电室的孔洞应封堵严密,排气通风孔百叶窗应设防护网,网孔不大于10×10毫米
2、 变电所的进出通道应装有防鼠挡板
3、 控制室、值班室不得存放食物
变电所通讯设施良好(1分) 1、 变电所通讯设施完好
2、 接受操作指令的电话具备录音功能
两票执行情况(5分) 1、 工作票合格率100%,每发现一处错误扣1分
2、 操作票合格率100%,每发现一处错误扣1分
3、 电气工作“工作票签发人、工作负责人、工作许可人”齐全
4、 工作票、操作票登记齐全
五种图板齐全,内容正确(2.5分) 1、 一次系统操作模拟图板
2、 设备定级和缺陷提示图(时间、内容与实际相符)
3、 继电保护定值图板
4、 设备巡视路线图板。
变电所各种图纸资料齐全(1.5分) 1、 变电所一次系统接线图
2、 二次原理图、接线图。
3、 直流系统图。
变电所设备档案建立健全(1.5分) 1、 所有高压设备、新投运设备说明书
2、 设备台帐
3、 设备安装、检修、试验报告。
制度健全并认真执行(4分) 1、 交接班制
2、 巡回检查制
3、 定期切换制
4、 岗位责任制
5、 运行分析制
6、 缺陷管理制
7、 检修验收制
8、 技术培训制。
各种记录齐全,填写认真正确(4分) 1、 值班记录、运行日志
2、 设备修试记录
3、 设备缺陷记录
4、 开关跳闸记录
5、 安全运行分析记录
6、 历年事故登记记录
事故应急管理(1分) 1、 事故应急预案
2、 坚持开展反事故演习
变电所内应有规定的巡视路线标志,设备铭牌、编号清楚齐全。(1分) 1、 巡视路线清楚、标志明显,应保证巡视检查人员对有关带电设备的安全距离。
2、 电气设备有编号
安全运行状况(10分) 1、 值班电工发生责任事故的
2、 违章操作的
3、 变电所年内发生责任停电事故的此项不得分
3 现场用电设备管理(20分) 现场配电箱(3.5分) 1,配电箱有明显的警示标志,箱内开关、元件和电缆等标识明确
照明用电设备管理(3.5分) 1、工作场所的照明,应该保证足够的亮度
4、 手持行灯电压不大于36V;特别潮湿或周围均属金属导体的地方工作时,如在金属容器或水箱等内部,行灯的电压不准超过12V。
5、 行灯电源应由携带式或固定式的隔离变压器供给,变压器不准放在金属容器或水箱等内部
6、 携带式行灯变压器的的高压侧,应带插头,低压侧带插座,并采用两种不能互相插入的插头
其他后方电器设备管理(13分) 1、 移动手持电动工具电缆规格、质量满足要求,并不得有接头,工具应完好。PE线应采用双色线。
2、 连接电动机械及电动工具的电气回路应单独设开关或插座,并装设漏电保护器;金属外壳应可靠接地
3、 电动工具应做到“一机一闸一保护”
7、 特殊场合的设备(如蒸煮设备、洗刷设备)必须装设漏电保护装置。并有可靠的接地保护
8、 用电设备外观完整,开关(含功能转换开关、操作开关)可靠完好,指示仪表(指示灯)指示正确,线缆完好,接线正确规范可靠