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Digital double clamp phase meter type ASMG2000B/E

Digital double clamp phase meter type ASMG2000B/E digital double clamp phase meter
Handheld structure; current resolution up to 0.1mA; voltage resolution 0.1V; the phase table in the 10mA-10A range of currents, 3V-500V voltage range measurement phase without breaking the circuit and the change quantity limit; the phase meter micro power design, and has the battery voltage detection function. The phase meter switch function and reasonable layout, rotary switches can read the measured voltage, current and phase.
ASMG2000B type digital double clamp meter phase model of small current clamp used has also applied for the national patent (patent application number: 032189370), a new current clamp head elongated, solves the problem of dense phase wire clamp type table measurement; clamp shell pliers type transformer with high strength engineering plastic, strength and good toughness, is not easy to be broken; the volume is small, the weight is light; the contour smooth, feel good.
1, use ASMG2000B type digital double clamp phase meter
ASMG2000B type digital double clamp phase meter is ideal for handheld phase meter, is a multifunctional phase meter. Using the phase meter, not only can measure AC voltage, and it can constantly open circuit under test conditions, measurement of AC current, the phase between voltage measuring two, two current and voltage, current. Because of the phase meter with the above features, it is widely. The phase meter discriminant can complete the inductive circuit and capacitive circuit; the phase table can be easily read directly the phase relationship between the differential protection group CT; the phase meter wiring group can check the transformer; the phase meter can measure three-phase voltage phase; the phase table can be determined by the phase measurement watt hour meter wiring is correct and no, the active list correctly put into operation; the phase meter can estimate power meter running speed, reasonable charge of electricity. The current resolution with a very high rate of the surface phase, still can make use of the leakage current meter. Therefore, the phase meter is the power sector, factories and mines, petroleum chemical industry, metallurgy system conducted the two loop check ideal phase meter.
2, ASMG2000B type digital double clamp phase meter technology index
2.1 range
The 2.1.1 phase: 0-360 degrees
The 2.1.2 voltage: 0-200V/500V
The 2.1.3 current: 0-200mA/2A/10A
2.2 basic error (in reference condition accuracy)
The 2.2.1 reference conditions: temperature and humidity waveform frequency wire position angle measuring the voltage and the current 23 - 5 Deg. C <65% sine wave distortion is less than or equal to 1% 50 + 2Hz 100V + 25V 1A + jaw center 0.2A
The 2.2.2 phase: 1
The 2.2.3 voltage range accuracy resolution 200V 1 level 0.1V 500V level 1 1V
The 2.2.4 current range accuracy resolution 10A 2 level 10mA 2A Level 2 1mA 200mA 2 0.1mA
The 2.3 input impedance
The 2.3.1 voltage is measured at each file of 2M.
The 2.3.2 phase measurement, voltage input impedance >500K
2.4 work conditions of temperature and humidity measurement value of phase voltage amplitude current amplitude of 0 - 40 Deg. C = 80% 3V-500V 0.01A-10A
2.5 additional error
The 2.5.1 in the phase angle measurement, the current and voltage in the scope of their respective work conditions prescribed values, resulting in additional error is not more than the basic error limit.
The 2.5.2 in the measurement of current, wire left jaw center position, the additional error caused by not more than the basic error limit.
2.6 safety requirements
The 2.6.1 pressure meter phase between the line and the shell tolerance 50Hz sine wave voltage 1000V, which lasted 1 minutes. The input end of the U1 (or I1) and the input of U2 (or I2) between the tolerance of 50Hz sine wave voltage 500V, which lasted 1 minutes.
The 2.6.2 insulating phase meter circuit and an outer shell between, between phase measurement of two input terminals, the insulation resistance is no less than 100M.
The 2.7 power supply
Two 9V laminated battery
2.8 the size and weight of 85mm * 167mm * 35mm 0.5Kg
Using method 3, ASMG2000B type digital double clamp phase meter
Explain the 3.1 phase meter panel
Phase measurement of 3.2 phase meter
The 3.2.1 phase phase meter full scale calibration in use phase meter to measure the phase before the full scale of the first phase calibration. The method is as follows: press the "power" button, the rotary switch to the "360 degree school gear, adjusting the phase calibration potentiometers W, the display shows the 360 degree.
The 3.2.2 phase meter measured between the two voltage phase rotary switch to the "Phi" file, the two voltage separately from the U1 and U2 input voltage, pay attention to the positive direction from left to right hypothesis end. Display value is the U1 U2 phase advance angle.
The 3.2.3 phase meter phase between two current measurement will be rotary switch to the "Phi" file, the two current signal through the caliper jaw, from I1 and I2 Jack input, attention now assuming the current positive direction from the caliper "*" (red dots) end flows, showing the value of the I2 I1 phase advance angle.
The 3.2.4 phase meter phase between the measured voltage and current with phase meter phase between the measurement of voltage and current, input voltage from the U1 end, current from the I2 input jack or the voltage input from the U2 terminal, and the current from the I1 input jack, pay attention to the positive direction of voltage hypothesis by Zuo Duan to the right end of the current hypothesis; the positive direction from the caliper "*" (red dots) end inflows will rotary switch to the "Phi" file, showing the value of phase of road I path angle.
The 3.3 phase meter to measure the voltage will be rotary switch to the U1 (or U2) and 500V (or 200V) range profile, the voltage signal from the voltage terminal of the U1 (or U2) input, showing the value of voltage. Note: if you do not know the measuring voltage range, should be the rotary switch dial to 500V file.
The 3.4 phase meter to measure the current rotary switch to the I1 (or I2) 10A (or 2A, 200mA) files, the current signal through the caliper transformer current from Jack I1 (or I2) input, the measured current line in
 Digital double clamp phase meter type ASMG2000B/E 数字双钳相位表

◆ 2.1.1
相位: 0-360°
◆ 2.1.2
电压: 0-200V/500V
◆ 2.1.3
电流: 0-200mA/2A/10A
参比条件:温度湿度波形频率导线位置相角测量电压电流 23℃±5℃ <65% 正弦波失真度≤1℅ 50±2Hz 钳口中心 100V±25V 1A±0.2A
电压量程准确度分辨力 200V 1.0 0.1V 500V 1.0 1V
电流量程准确度分辨力 10A 2.0 10mA 2A 2.0 1mA 200mA 2.0 0.1mA
工作条件值温度湿度相角测量电压幅值电流幅值 0℃±40℃ ≤80% 3V-500V 0.01A-10A
外形尺寸和重量 85mm×167mm×35mm 0.5Kg
相位表测量电压将旋转开关旋至U1(或U2500V(200V)量程档,电压信号从电压端U1(或U2)输入,示值为所测电压值。注意:如果不知测量电压范围, 应将旋转开关先拨至500V.
相位表测量电流将旋转开关旋至I1(或I210A(2A200mA) ,电流信号通过卡钳互感器从电流插孔I1(或I2)输入,被测电流线置于卡钳窗口中心位置,示值即为所测电流值。
机内具有电池电压自动检测功能,当显示器左下角出现电池符号“ + - ”时,提示应更换电池。
电池更换:更换电池时应在OPEN处下压前推以打开电池盖. 更换电池。
数字双钳相位伏安表一台  卡钳两把(带专用引线两根)  电压线两付   
使用说明书一本           合格证一份      保修卡一份   
相位表卡钳的专用性:每台相位表的两把卡钳只对本台相位表配用,不可与另一台相位表调用。 7.3 测量电流时请使用带有表号的一把钳子,它保证说明书给出的精度,另一把钳子专为测量两电流相位时使用。
7.5 本相位表供二次回路和低压回路检测,不能用于测量高压线路中的电流,以防通过卡钳触电。