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High voltage cable optical fiber temperature test

High voltage cable optical fiber temperature measurement system AY2000  AY2000高压电缆光纤测温系统


Product Name: temperature measurement host
Origin: Germany / China
Brand: America Agilent / Guangzhou country can control technology Co., Ltd
A detailed introduction:
Distributed optical fiber temperature sensing system (DTS) based on optical time domain reflection (OTDR) and optical fiber back to temperature effect, Raman scattering, detect the change of different position along the fiber temperature measurement, the realization of real distributed. In the system is the transmission media and optical fiber sensing media, optical fiber at each point of space modulation of the temperature field of the fiber in the back to the Raman scattering light intensity (anti tokes back to the Raman scattering light intensity), the wavelength division multiplexer and photoelectric detector to collect the spatial temperature information, and then by the signal processing, demodulation system for real-time temperature information will be extracted from the noise. The use of optical fiber in optical wave propagation velocity and the back light echo time interval, the positioning of the measured temperature point. Compared with the traditional sensor, the product has the following advantages: (1) measuring distance, which is suitable for remote monitoring. (2) the intrinsic lightning protection. (3) the anti electromagnetic interference, can work normally in high electromagnetic environment (4) continuous distributed measurement (6) high sensitivity, high measuring accuracy (7) and long service life, low cost, simple system.
Each field of the product has been successfully applied to a fire alarm monitoring, tunnel, cable temperature monitoring, dam leakage and temperature, heating pipe and oil pipe prison leakage monitoring etc..
Technical indicators:
The maximum measured distance: 30 km
Number of channels: 1, 2, 4, 6, 8, 16 optional (optical switch)
Connection: single terminal or double terminal
The sampling interval: 1 meters
Positioning accuracy: 1 meters
The measurement of time: <20 seconds
Temperature resolution: 0.1 C
Warning: 200 / each partition
Relay output: 64 Road (extensible)
Communication interface: 2 RS232 interface support MODBUS 1 Ethernet interface
The working principle of:
DTS distributed optical fiber temperature monitoring system and the use of fiber optic sensing signal and the signal transmission, the use of advanced OTDR technology and Raman scattering of light on the characteristics of temperature sensitive, detecting changes in different positions along the optical fiber temperature measurement, the realization of real distributed. Feather state DTS represents the highest level of the current international, both in the temperature resolution and spatial resolution, distance measurement, and the measuring time is higher than other company's products, users can view their use, select the appropriate model. The ZD series is a specially designed for highway tunnel, cable tunnel detection cable interlayer.

产地:德国           /中国   
品牌:美国Agilent    /广州国能控制技术有限公司

通道数 : 1,2,4,6,8,16可选(光开关)
连接方式 : 单端或双端
定位精度 :1 米
测量时间 :<20 秒
温度分辨率 :0.1℃
报警分区 :200 个/每路
通讯接口:2 个 RS232 接口支持MODBUS,1个以太网接口
                           图 1
Distributed optical fiber temperature sensor system is developed in recent years, a system for real-time measurement of temperature field. The system of optical fiber is the transmission media and media by using optical fiber sensing, back to the temperature effect of Raman scattering, the modulation space temperature field of the optical fiber is fiber Raman back scattering intensity (anti Stokes Raman back scattering light intensity), the wavelength division multiplexing and optical electric detector with temperature information acquisition the Raman back scattering light signal, the signal processing can demodulate the temperature information in real time. In the time domain, using the optical time-domain reflectometry (Optical Time Domain Reflection), according to the transmission rate and the back light in optical fiber, the echo time to the Raman scattering of light, can locate the temperature point.
The DTS system consists of a laser source, the sensor cable and detection unit, the schematic diagram of figure 1.
The basic principle is: laser pulse light emitted wavelength division multiplexer into the detection optical fiber, optical fiber inner molecular impurities and uneven of incident laser pulse scattering effect, the incident optical pulse transmission forward along the fiber, the scattered light to the surrounding transmission. Only along the fiber backward transmission scattering light to be transmitted to the wave division multiplexing device, then reaches the detector.
To a Rayleigh scattering, scattering light Brillouin scattering and Raman scattering, Raman scattering light contains two ingredients: Stokes light and Stokes light. Stokes optical frequency than the incident light frequency is low, the anti Stokes light frequency than the incident light frequency is high, Stokes light is only related with the fiber loss, stress, tension, bending, extrusion and other factors, influenced by temperature is small and negligible; anti Stokes light by optical fiber loss, in addition to the effects of stress and tension extrusion, bending, and other factors, also has the very big relations with temperature, optical fiber temperature is higher, the stronger anti Stokes light. The wavelength division multiplexer and band pass filter can separate the backward Stokes scattering light light and anti Stokes light, the optical signals are collected by the strength, anti Stokes intensity compared with the Stokes intensity, can get only the temperature related signal.
The two optical signal wavelength division multiplexer separated, respectively by the avalanche photodiode transforms the light signal into electrical signals, and then by the amplifier for signal amplification, is sent to the data acquisition card cumulative average, then get the precise value of light intensity quantization.
Between the anti Stokes intensity and Stokes intensity ratio and temperature of the quantitative relationship can be expressed as:
Type: H: the Planck coefficient (J, S); K: Pohl Seidman constant (J/K); Stokes light intensity;: Anti Stokes light intensity;: the incident light frequency (1/S);: Raman optical frequency increment (1/S). Stokes light frequency, anti Stokes light frequency.
Light in the fiber to spread a certain speed, by measuring the incident and backscattered light between the time difference, and the optical fiber light propagation speed, can calculate the different scattering point location away from the incident end distance, which can get the temperature distribution along the fiber almost continuously, can be calculated as follows:
Type:: the speed of light in the optical fiber (m/s); the backscatter time delay (s).
As long as measured by the detector, and the light in the fiber in the dissemination of time, we can get a point temperature.
分布式光纤温度传感器系统是近年来发展起来,用于实时测量空间温度场的系统。系统中光纤即是传输媒体又是传感媒体,利用光纤背向拉曼散射的温度效应,光纤所处的空间温度场调制了光纤是背向拉曼散射的强度(反斯托克斯背向拉曼散射光的强度),经波分复用器和光电检测器采集带有温度信息的背向拉曼散射光信号,经信号处理可以解调出实时的温度信息。在时域中,利用光时域反射技术(Optical Time Domain Reflection),根据光在光纤中的传输速率和背向拉曼散射光的回波时间,可以对温度点进行定位。
DTS系统由激光光源、传感光缆和检测单元组成,系统示意图见图表 1。

    式中:h:普朗克系数(J·S);k:波尔兹曼常数(J/K); :斯托克斯光强度; :反斯托克斯光强度; :入射光的频率(1/S); :拉曼光频率增量(1/S)。斯托克斯光频率为 ,反斯托克斯光频率为 。
光纤中以一定的速度传播,通过测量入射光和后向散射光之间的时间差 ,及光纤内的光传播速度 ,可以计算不同散射点的位置距入射端的距离 ,从而可以得到光纤沿程几乎连续的温度分布, 可按下式计算:

    式中: :
光纤中的光传播速度(m/s); :后向散射延迟时间(s)。
    只要通过探测器测得 、 及光在
在传播时间 ,便可求得某一点的温度值。
DTS system for monitoring Chinese software main interface
The functions of DTS system monitoring software:
1 real time data acquisition: from the monitored area point-to-point real-time collection of temperature value, the formation of real time database;
2 real-time data display: display the real time obtained from the current regional gathering temperature;
3 fixed temperature alarm: alarm and warning temperature set according to user requirements, and the monitored region segmentation settings for different partitions, each partition can be arbitrarily set the alarm value, monitoring of different standards for different parts of the;
4 temperature rise rate alarm: the monitored area reached according to user requirement set by the temperature rise rate of the predetermined value, can alarm alarm area, points out the position and data storage and print
5 historical data show: the user can through the historical data query temperature region at a given moment, a point of temperature, temperature, the highest in a certain time period;
The 6 characteristic curve shows include: at a given moment the temperature distribution curve, a time of a point of a time temperature change curve, the highest temperature change curve;
7 remote monitoring diagnosis and maintenance: through the Internet, can realize the on-site equipment remote monitoring, diagnosis and maintenance etc..
Real time monitoring of 8 detection system has good response characteristics.
9 real-time monitoring of temperature, display every 1 meters of each point of the real-time temperature changes. Continuous monitoring signals, any temperature point alarm.
10.DTS optical fiber detection system of internal PC, in the WINDOWS environment by the engineer to debug programming to complete. Set zone length and alarm points, system revision can be used Windows version 2000 software to complete.
11.DTS optical fiber detection system is a continuous monitoring signals, can be set up multi-level temperature alarm and multi-stage differential temperature alarm, or a combination of the two, the basic elimination of false alarms can be opposite at the same time alarm value is modified according to the requirements of.
12 based on environmental change is set up to 200 different alarm control area, control area programmable alarm, and can be designed according to user requirements, each individual alarm zone alarm can be set to different values.
13 if the detection optical fiber damage, DTS optical fiber detection system can instantly locate damaged points, and by re rapid recovery system, which is very important for online monitoring of the implementation of effective time;
The temperature signal of optical fiber detection system of 14.DTS and the alarm signal can be uploaded to the host computer and the fire control room.
1.实时数据采集: 从被监控区域逐点实时采集温度值,形成实时数据库;









DTS光纤探测系统内部自带PC机,在WINDOWS环境下由工程师调试编程来完成。设定区域长度及报警点,系统校订均可采用Windows 2000版本软件来完成。




The product system characteristics:
Characteristics and technical index of the system
The real-time monitoring of temperature, to achieve early warning;
The fast:
System temperature, speed of positioning is very high. In order to improve the measuring time, feather state using satellite ground photograph data filtering technology, to solve the problem of massive digital filter;
Laser emission device system within the host transmit tens of thousands of times per second pulse of light, and the sampling temperature average value of output to the display system, the basic elimination of error.
The distribution characteristics of:
Linear optical fiber temperature sensing fire monitoring system for distributed optical fiber temperature measurement system, which can provide continuous dynamic monitoring over ten kilometers within every 1 meters each point temperature change signal, can be arbitrarily set at various levels of temperature alarm value.
The advanced nature:
The system is currently the world's highest, the strongest performance index function, high reliability, the most advanced technology products. Optical components is used by imported components of nano technology production out of the digital processing chip is used for military grade devices on the century 90 time end.
The accuracy of:
The temperature resolution of the system reaches 0.1 DEG C, the temperature accuracy of plus or minus 1 DEG C; positioning accuracy up to plus or minus 1m.
The flexibility of:
Linear optical fiber temperature sensing fire monitoring system is on-line monitoring;
At any point of the alarm signal is uploaded to the fire alarm controller time monitoring range of not more than 30 seconds;
The system of the host can provide relay interface (passive dry contact) in the fire alarm controller alarm, provides a set of dry contact alarm signal according to the interval;
Provided by the monitoring system is a continuous dynamic monitoring signals, the system can set the temperature point alarm system to support multi-level multi-level alarm alarm, such as at the beginning of 40 C 30 C, warning, 50 C measures according to different environments, and can alarm temperature parameter setting;
To avoid false positives occur, according to the change of temperature before the accident rate high characteristic, can set the temperature change rate threshold monitoring in the alarm setting, when monitoring the temperature change rate is greater than the alarm signal of the value, and provides a signal corresponding to the output;
A variety of alarm conditions, as long as meet the one, the system will immediately generate alarm. According to the on-site requirements to adjust the sampling interval, the shortest sampling interval of 1 meters;
Alarm control zone programmable, and can be designed according to user requirements, each system based on environmental changes is no less than 100 different alarm control area.                       





该系统的温度分辨率达到0.1℃,温度精度±1℃;定位精度达±1m 。

1 compatibility:
Linear optical fiber temperature sensing fire monitoring system of the host for the open communication protocols, communication interface and workstations connected, in the central control room alarm workstations in a graphic way finished display temperature curve, alarm information, alarm temperature all position;
The system can through the RS232, LED, relay, built-in Ethernet or other industrial protocol output form and PC, fire alarm system and other control equipment is linked, acousto-optic alarm signal output is accurate, complete;
Linear optical fiber temperature sensing fire monitoring system according to different region, grading alarm output signal, in order to adapt to the needs of different control panel;
Optical fiber temperature measurement host control unit, flexible networking, large compatibility. According to user needs can also be networked with other SCADA control equipment, power supply equipment in the power automation system, management system, etc.. Realize the integrated intelligent system in safety, economy, management as a whole;
Optical fiber temperature measurement host control unit and can expand the dial-up modem, optical fiber interface conversion mode, the realization of the personalized demand.
The safety:
Software license management system, safe and reliable;
Allows the user to the system in the future upgrades and maintenance update;
Linear optical fiber sense warning system temperature fire have safety record function, can store all the historical data since the system is running, and can use the portable computer to download the data;
If the fiber damage, the system can locate the damaged, with self diagnostic function, and fusion is performed through the optical fiber fusion splicer, which is very important for online monitoring of the implementation of effective;
Laser grade 3A;
Detection of optical fiber is safe and reliable, with light signal, cause mutual electromagnetic interference between will and power cable.
Compared with traditional sensors, distributed optical fiber temperature measurement system has natural advantage, mainly including:
1 continuous distributed measurement
Distributed optical fiber sensor is truly distributed measurements, can along the measurement information detection cable tens of kilometers continuous, false positive rate and false negative rate is greatly reduced. At the same time to realize real-time monitoring.
2 anti electromagnetic interference, can work normally in high electromagnetic environment.
The optical fiber itself is composed of quartz material, complete electrical insulation; at the same time signal of optical fiber sensor is based on optical fiber as a carrier, intrinsic safety, free from any interference from external electromagnetic environment.
The 3 intrinsic lightning protection.
Lightning often destroy large electric sensor. Optical fiber sensor from complete electrical insulation, can withstand high voltage and high current impact.
4 measurement of distance, which is suitable for remote monitoring.
Two outstanding advantages of optical fiber is the transmission of large amount of data and the loss is small, without relay case, can realize remote monitoring of tens of kilometers.
5 high sensitivity, high accuracy of measurement.
The theory on the sensitivity and measuring accuracy of optical fiber sensor is better than the most general sensor, actually has a mature product also proved this point.
6 long life, low cost, simple system.
Fiber material is generally quartz glass, which has the characteristics of no corrosion, fire resistance, water resistance and long service life, can usually be served for 30 years. Considering the sensor's own cost and maintenance costs, the use of optical fiber sensor can greatly reduce the operating cost of the whole project final.
1.        兼容性:

1.        连续分布式测量
2.        抗电磁干扰,在高电磁环境中可以正常的工作。
3.        本征防雷。
4.        测量距离远,适于远程监控。
5.        灵敏度高,测量精度高。
6.        寿命长,成本低,系统简单。